Understand what makes us human
in a world with ChatGPT

Discover for yourself by playing Spot the Bot, our version of two truths and a lie

Play Game

About the Project

ChatDWG provides a unique opportunity for learners to engage with the cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) technology of ChatGPT. Through an educational game and collection of resources, learners can explore the capabilities and limitations of this technology in order to gain a deeper appreciation for its ability to shape the future of communication.

Our stakeholders, learners and educators, will specifically benefit from our product by becoming more comfortable with the responses generated by ChatGPT. This web app is consequently a powerful tool for anyone seeking to integrate AI technology into their lives alongside the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

Key Features

Watch a Demo of our Game

The Team

Brendan Keane

Brendan Keane

Designer, Developer

Khushi Chauhan

Khushi Chauhan

Project Manager

Victoria Nguyen

Victoria Nguyen

Researcher, Developer

Zach Watson

Zach Watson

Data Analyst, Developer

Jackson Roah

Jackson Roah

Data Analyst, Researcher

Project Status

This is a University of Washington Information School Capstone project for Spring 2023. This project will become open source on our GitHub starting June 10, 2023.